Tuesday 29 May 2012

"All simple-souled, dove-hearted and dove-eyed"

Today is Whitsun Tuesday and so here is Christina Rossetti's poem, appropriately, 'Whitsun Tuesday'. I hadn't realised this before but apparently she wrote poems for almost every significant date in the church's calendar, as devout Victorian poets sometimes liked to do (under the influence of Keble's immensely popular The Christian Year, I suppose). Rossetti's collection is called Some Feasts and Fasts and some of the poems aren't... great, but others are rather good when read in isolation - one of her most famous poems, 'Love came down at Christmas', among them.

You can make up your own mind about 'Whitsun Tuesday'.

Lord Jesus Christ, our Wisdom and our Rest,
Who wisely dost reveal and wisely hide,
Grant us such grace in wisdom to abide
According to Thy Will whose Will is best.
Contented with Thine uttermost behest,
Too sweet for envy and too high for pride;
All simple-souled, dove-hearted and dove-eyed,
Soft-voiced, and satisfied in humble nest.
Wondering at the bounty of Thy Love
Which gives us wings of silver and of gold;
Wings folded close, yet ready to unfold
When Thou shalt say, "Winter is past and gone:"
When Thou shalt say, "Spouse, sister, love and dove,
Come hither, sit with Me upon My Throne."

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